Saturday, January 30, 2010

Poem Baby Tree A Poem To Put On A Money Tree For A Baby Shower?

A poem to put on a money tree for a baby shower? - poem baby tree

ok if you call me by Corny Go! My niece is too young to have a surprise baby! I am planning the baby shower. I want to say tree.alot people money, it's bad taste, but I have no interest. I know they do I money.and on the table with gifts and cake layers I made.and branches of the tree with pink spray paint put (a girl) and in a pot. I just need to write a beautiful poem on the boat. the only thing I found is on the bare branches, but I did not like it. Thanks


Nurse AmyLynn is Mommy to 3 said...

It's very nice of you! Unfortunately, we can help you with the poem tho. Good Luck

Mrs. Z plus 3 said...

"Baby Surprise!" Boy would be achieved if I was surprised a baby! lol! I know it was a kind-O, but I could not help. =)

How about:

The girls wear pink and boys wear blue Please donate a dollar or two

** EDIT ** I liked the phrase "our family tree grows"

Aphelia Buttz said...

I think that said Mrs. Z., plus 3, it would be perfect! And I think the money tree is a good idea, especially because they are young and needs.

mama2znc said...

Is it a poem? Could you share

"Our family tree is more and more ...."

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